While enjoying a wonderful visit with good friends Ed and Liz in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, I photographed visitors to a bird feeder erected by them behind their house. Here are some of the best shots. Also included in the mix are photos of birds seen at the inn I stayed at, and at Longwood Gardens nearby. Click on any image to enlarge it and/or start a slide show. Continue reading “Bird Watching with Ed and Liz”
Birds of Villa Ndio
This blog post will be updated with each new sighting! Beginning in late Spring 2019 we have put out feeders and suet balls to attract birds to the Villa Ndio garden. The result was an immediate increase in bird activity, and as the birds developed confidence they began visiting these new food sources laden with birdseed purchased by the bagfull at the nearby grocery store. Continue reading “Birds of Villa Ndio”