Reflections on Inclusiveness in Five Segments

Reflections are  all about the mosaic of experiences that Katherine is piecing together for her book on inclusiveness in international politics, much like a patchwork quilt of scattered images that are linked together to portray a common theme. This preliminary phase offers a glimpse into the collection of lessons learned  from the strikingly diverse segments of Katherine’s professional career. They are five separate segments, with links to each one as noted, but they also appear in this Reflections page as a sequence of five reverse chronological posts.

Elective Politics and Long-Lasting People Networks
The Campaign Team 40 Years Later
The Reach of the White House Fellowships
White House Fellows 1979
The Role of Public Policy in the Corporate World
Katherine making calls for a negotiating session with a multi-stakeholder coalition
International Organizations Delivering Norms, Information and Capacity
Katherine Greeting French President Jacques Chirac at the International Labor Conference
Learning about Entrepreneurship and Civil Society Activism
Drafting the Statutes of the Global Social Observatory with Brewster Grace and Others


Elective Politics and Long-Lasting People Networks

Katherine was elected for three terms in the North Carolina Senate as a member of the delegation representing Guilford County, including the Cities of High Point and Greensboro. She was the first woman to be elected to the State Senate from this district. She was in the forefront of bringing the women’s movement into the mainstream in American politics. Her success in the NC Senate also showed the importance of teamwork and community outreach.  Continue reading “Elective Politics and Long-Lasting People Networks”

The Reach of the White House Fellowships

The White House Fellowship has been operating as a one-year program at the highest levels of the executive branch since the 1960s. It is intended for individuals at mid-career to provide first-hand experiences on how American federal governance works in order to integrate a better understanding of the role of government into their continuing career development outside government. Candidates are selected on a non-partisan basis using three criteria – academic achievements, career successes and civic service impact. Katherine was invited to serve as a White House Fellow in 1979 and worked in the Carter Administration as a Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Personnel Management. Others in her class worked with other agency heads or key White House offices. Continue reading “The Reach of the White House Fellowships”

The Role of Public Policy in the Corporate World

Katherine was recruited to join a subsidiary of AT&T just as the monopoly of the famous Bell System, otherwise known as AT&T, was breaking up. The court order mandated the formation of seven “Baby Bells” for the delivery of local phone services and one patchwork combination at the national level of the long distance business, the prestigious Bell Laboratories and a manufacturing entity known as Western Electric. The transition of this  combination from these three disparate parts of the old Bell System into a newly constituted AT&T was a strategic challenge – transitioning from a monopoly in control of its telecommunications products and services to a competitive business world while retaining an enlightened human resources policy.  When the dust settled, Katherine was working as a government relations executive for the entire (and new) AT&T in Washington, DC. Continue reading “The Role of Public Policy in the Corporate World”

International Organizations Delivering Norms, Information and Capacity

Katherine’s involvement with international organizations dates back to her  teaching and research on the United Nations system as a college professor, fresh out of graduate school.  Her career path took a domestic turn as she played a leading role in her community on women’s rights and in elective politics, but she returned to her interest in international organizations when she was invited to join the International Labor Organization (ILO) as Deputy Director-General.  

Continue reading “International Organizations Delivering Norms, Information and Capacity”

Entrepreneurship and Civil Society Activism to Promote Inclusiveness

The mosaic of learning experiences in elective politics, teaching, public service, business and international organizations enabled Katherine to collaborate with clients and colleagues on inclusive dialogue and a search for common ground on global social issues. This phase of her career brought her back into building coalitions and partnerships that drew on her experience in elective politics, but it also depended on applying the expertise she had acquired along the way. And both her business initiative and her NGO initiative depended on a special collaboration with her partner Ralph McShane Doggett. Continue reading “Entrepreneurship and Civil Society Activism to Promote Inclusiveness”