Butterflies of France — Caught by My Camera


This blog post will be updated as new species are photographed or if new or improved photos of the already identified species displayed here are obtained.  The common theme is that all species displayed here have been photographed live in France, by Peppy Doggett.

The species are listed in alphabetical order by common name.  Also given for each is the date and location where the photo was taken, and some details about camera, lens and settings. Post processing tools used may have included one or more of the following: Picasa, Lightroom, and Sony   Imaging Edge. Click on the image to link to the Villa Ndio photo post. Doing so enlarges the photo to nearly full screen size. Links to a relevant wikipedia page is provided alongsite each image.  In addition, all of the photos are included in a gallery at the bottom of the post, which allows for enlarging the photos and/or activating a slide show. Click here to jump to the gallery.

Adonis blue — Lysandra bellargus

Photographed near Villa Ndio on 14 September 2019 with a Sony A7Rii and Sony 90mm f2.8 macro lens. f/5; 1/800 sec.; ISO 100



Cleopatra — Gonepteryx cleopatra

Seen in the Villa Ndio courtyard on 15 June 2018.

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3;  f/4;  1/2000; ISO 100;  160mm





Common Blue




Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3




Black-veined White — Aporia crataegi

Found on an olive tree by the Villa Ndio pool, on 20 June 2018.

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/800; ISO 320;  220mm




Brimstone — Gonepteryx rhamni

On an agapanthus blossom,  Villa Ndio pool side; 10 June 2017

Camera and settings: Sony RX10m3; f/4; 1/400; ISO 100; 190mm



Gatekeeper — Pyronia tithonus

Enjoying the lavender outside the Villa Ndio kitchen window, 21 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/400; ISO 1250; 220mm



Geranium Bronze — Cacyreus marshalli

On a lavender sprig below the Villa Ndio kitchen window, 3 July 2018

Camera and settings: Sony SLT A77V with a DT 1.8/35mm SAM lens; f/1.8, 1/1250, ISO 200, 35mm


Great Banded Grayling — Brintesia circe

Villa Ndio garden; 18 June

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/200; ISO 100; 117mm



Green-Veined White — Pieris napi

Villa Ndio garden, March 2019

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/6.3; 1/1000; ISO 400; 220mm






Imperial Mantle — Argynnis paphia

Photographed on 23 August 2012, near Isola village

Camera and settings: Sony Alpha SLT-A33; f/5.6; 1/100; ISO 250; 90 mm





Old World Swallowtail Butterfly — Papilio machaon gorganus

Photographed in Cabris, France on 17 Sugust 2019.

Camera: Sony ILCE A7RM2; lens: Sony SEL90M28G; Settings: f/4; 1/4000 sec.; ISO 800; 90mm



Painted Lady — Vanessa cardui

Photographed on 17 August 2019 in Cabris, France.

Camera: Sony SLT A77V; Lens: Minolta STF 135mm f2.8(F4.5)

Settings: f/4.5; 1/3200sec.; ISO 400; 135mm.


Red Admiral — Vanessa atalanta

Found on the gravel walkway in the Villa Ndio garden, 11 July 2018

Camera, lens and settings: Sony A7Rii with a 90mm f/2.8 macro lens; f/2.8; 1/400; ISO 160; 90mm.



Scarce Swallowtail — Iphiclides podalirius

On lavender next to the boutique at the Huilerie Ste. Anne, 5 August 2018

Samsung S7; f/1.7; 1/874; ISO 40; 4mm



Silver Washed Fritillary — Argynnis paphia

Photographed in the Villa Ndio garden on 19 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/200; ISO 100; 215 mm



Small Blue — Cupido Minimus

Found in the Villa Ndio garden, 25 March 2019.

Camera and settings: Sony Rx10M3; f/4; 1/250; ISO 125; 600mm


Small Copper — Lycaena phlaeas

In the parking area by the nearby grocery store, about 500 meters from Villa Ndio; 4 October 2018

Camera and settings: Sony A7Rii; f/5; 1/5000; ISO 1000; 90mm



Small White — Pieris rapae

Resting by Kathy’s right ear, in the Villa Ndio veranda; 15 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/400; ISO 100; 175 mm





Speckled Wood — Pararge aegeria

Villa Ndio garden; 19 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/800; ISO 320; 218 mm




Speckled Yellow — Pseudopanthera macularia L

Found northwest of Escragnolles, France on 22 May 2019.

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/2500; ISO 500; 206 mm


Two-tailed Pasha — Charaxes jasius

Perched under a plum tree by the Villa Ndio pool. Photographed on 5 August 2019.

Camera and settings: Sony A77V SLT Camera equipped with a Minolta 200mm f2.8 APO lens with a 2x teleconverter. Settings: f/8, 1/250 sec., ISO 500, 400mm.


Wall — Lasiommata megera

On the lavender below the Villa Ndio kitchen window; 16 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony ILCE-7RM2; f/2.5; 1/1600; ISO 100; 85mm


White Butterfly — Pieris rapae

Captured in the chemin below the Villa Ndio kitchen window, 25 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony ILCE 7RM2; f/4.5; 1/640; ISO 100; 90 mm


White Admiral — Limenitis camilla

Captured in the chemin below the Villa Ndio kitchen window, 25 June 2018

Camera and settings: Sony RX10M3; f/4; 1/250; ISO 200; 220 mm



Yellow Shell Moth — Camptogramma bilineata

Photographed in the Villa Ndio garden on 28 May 2020′

Camera: Sony A7R2; Lens: Sony 90mm f2.8 Macro G; Settings: 1/100 sec; f/5; ISO 400




Click on any image below to enlarge it and/or activate a slide show.

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